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绅士变态的最爱 《美少女梦工厂》上架steam

Gentleman's perverted love girl DreamWorks steam

2017-02-10 03:24:33来源: 新浪

CFK今日宣布被誉为养成游戏元祖的《美少女梦工厂》将于2017年2月中旬登陆Steam,售价9.99美元。 此次登陆Steam的《美少女梦工厂》更名为《美少女梦工厂:精致版》,原版游戏在1991年发售,开创了养成游戏的先河,玩家扮演10岁少女的养父,将其养大,直至成人,通过游戏来决定...

CFK announced today that "DreamWorks of the Beautiful Girls" will be launched in Steam in mid-February 2017 for $9.99. The original game, released in 1991, pioneered the development of the game. Players played the adoptive father of a 10-year-old girl, raised her to adulthood and decided through the game.

标签: Steam