新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高性价比 翔升GTX960终结4G显存版降200

高性价比 翔升GTX960终结4G显存版降200

High price ASL GTX960 end 4G memory version is reduced 200

2015-09-23 10:29:22来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline电商站行情】4G显存的960目前市面上依然非常少见,虽然970搭载了4G显存,但高昂的售价加上3.5G显存门却成为DIY玩家心中永恒的痛!今日推荐的这款翔升 GTX960 终结2 ...

[pconline electricity station market 4G memory 960 currently on the market are still very rare, although 970 equipped with 4G memory, but the high price and 3.5G video door has become the eternal pain in the hearts of DIY players! Today recommended this end 2 GTX960 asl...