新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿联赞湖人训练氛围 坦言自己仍在学习新东西

阿联赞湖人训练氛围 坦言自己仍在学习新东西

Yi praised the lakers' training atmosphere admits he is still in learning new things

2016-10-02 04:48:54来源: 新浪

易建联 新浪体育讯 北京时间10月2日,据《湖人国度》报道,湖人队球员易建联在近日接受采访时表示今年训练营开始以来,湖人队的整体氛围非常不错,这让他感觉非常适应,与此同时,阿联表示他正在努力学习湖人队的新战术。 虽然阿联是2007年的NBA首轮6号秀,而且此后的五年他一直在N...

Yi jianlian sina sports - Beijing time on October 2nd, according to "the lakers nation" report, the Los Angeles lakers player yi jianlian in the recently said in an interview this year since the start of training camp, the lakers' integral atmosphere is very good, it made him feel very adapt to, at the same time, yi said he is trying to study the lakers' new tactics. Although yi is in 2007 the first round of the NBA show 6, and the next five years he has been in the N...