在近期 PlayStation Experience 2017 的采访中,《怪物猎人》系列制作人辻本良三透露了《怪物猎人 世界》的后续更新计划,他们会在发售后推出免费的升级补丁。辻本良三在采访中提到,免费补丁计划追加新的怪物,他也希望玩家们能够玩得更长久。至于追加的怪物是什么样的,辻本良三的回答是“尽请期待”。目前《怪物猎人 世界》的β测试已经开始,暂定时间为2017年12月10日~12月13日,执行监督藤冈要和制作人辻本良三都表示,他们会关注β测试的反馈,以让大家满意的形式迎来游戏的发售。PS4/Xbox One《怪物猎人 世界》将在2018年1月26日发售,PS4版游戏会在发售后更新中文补...
In recent PlayStation Experience 2017 interview, "monster hunter" series producer 辻 this good three revealed "monster hunter world" subsequent update plan, they will free upgrade patch after sale. 辻 this good three as mentioned in the interview, free patch plans to add a new monster, he also hope that the players can play longer. As to what additional monsters, three 辻 this good answer was "do please look forward to. Current "monster hunter world" beta test has begun, the tentative time for December 10, 2017 ~ Dec. 13, supervising the implement and producer 辻 as fujioka want good sandu said they will focus on beta test feedback, to let everybody satisfied in the form of the sale of the game. PS4 / Xbox One "monster hunter world" will go on sale in January 26, 2018, PS4 version of the game will be updated after the sale of Chinese fill...