新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高迪生日申花送续约大礼,盼回馈俱乐部信任


Shenhua high to have a day to send gift to renew, and trust to give back to the club

2017-01-07 04:03:08来源: 华体网

足球1月6日讯 申花前锋高迪在周五迎来了自己27岁的生日,对于正在养伤的他而言,最棒的生日礼物莫过于申花俱乐部送上的续约大礼。 傍晚时分,完成续约的高迪在微博中非常开心的写道:“之前的微博,我看到有那么多的球迷关心我的伤势,包括生日对我的祝福,我内心特别的感动,好在俱乐部领导的贴切关怀...

Football on January 6 Shenhua striker gaudi, 27 years old birthday on Friday ushered himself, for he was, the best birthday gift than shenhua club of contract making. In the evening, to complete the renewal of gaudi in weibo very happy wrote: "before the weibo, I see there are so many fans care about my injury, including birthday blessing for me, my heart special touched, but the club leadership appropriate care...