新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曼城电竞战队宣布北境电竞馆成为其主场及赛训基地


E-sports pavilion e-sports team announced the northern city, and the training base as its home

2018-07-25 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日,曼城电竞战队在北境电竞馆宣布成立,出席嘉宾包括曼城足球俱乐部的官方代表,中国电子竞技俱乐部联盟FIFA项目负责人徐晔先生等。 活动现场还同时宣布,该战队的剩余两席将从曼城俱乐部的中国球迷中选拔产生。全国选拔赛面向中国所有曼城球迷开放,球迷们可以在接下来的几周时间内通过关注曼城官方微信公众号「曼城足球俱乐部」了解更多全国选拔赛的信息,并成为其中一员。 除了在电竞舞台一展身手以外,曼城电竞战队将在未来给中国曼城球迷提供更多和俱乐部互动的机会。接下来不仅会有两名曼城中国球迷可以成为战队选手,球迷们还可以通过关注曼城电竞战队的官方微博「曼城电竞战队」参与多种多样的活动。 ...

E-sports teams recently, the city in the northern e-sports pavilion is declared, the official delegates attending guests including Manchester city football club, China e-sports club union FIFA project director Mr Xu Ye, etc. Event also announced at the same time, the team's remaining two seats will be produced in the Chinese fans of the club from Manchester city selection. National competition open to all of China's city fans, the fans can be in the next few weeks by focusing on Manchester city's official number WeChat public "Manchester city football club" for more information, the national competition and become a part of it. Except in the mutton bustin e-sports stage, Manchester city e-sports teams will in the future to China city fans to provide more the opportunity to interact with the club. Then China will not only have two Manchester city fans can be a team player, fans can also e-sports teams by focusing on Manchester city's official weibo "e-sports teams" Manchester city to participate in a variety of activities. ...

标签: 电竞