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《问道》迎春新服今开启 五万人同欢

"Asked" spring new clothes today opened fifty thousand people cheer with the

2015-02-05 14:19:12来源: 新浪

问道CGWR 得分 CGWR:226 位 CGWR介绍 导语:今日,百万在线网游大作《问道》,双线新服“喜羊羊”今日火爆开启,五万人同服对决、共同狂欢!三羊开泰贺新年,《问道》携1000万元大礼,重磅推出“新年红包、熔炉仙丹、寒假训练营”三大线上活动,诚邀天下道友前往征战! 问...

asked CGWR score of CGWR:226 bit CGWR introduction introduction: today, millions of online games masterpiece "asked", two new clothes "pleasant goat" unpopular opened today, fifty thousand people are of the same suit showdown, common carnival! Three Yang Kaitai celebrating the new year, "asked" articles 10000000 yuan gift, heavy launch "New Year red envelopes, furnace elixir, winter training camp" three big online activities, invites all friends to go on an expedition! Ask...