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真人版《银魂》公布演员阵容 小栗旬领衔

Live-action version released "silver soul" cast Shun oguri led

2016-08-06 01:23:35来源: 东北网

小栗旬、桥本环奈将出演银时、神乐。 南都讯 在2017年将有多部超人气漫画改编的真人电影上映,包括《攻壳机动队》、《死亡笔记》、《钢之炼金术师》、《银魂》,有好莱坞制作的有日本人自己拍的,到时候就要迎来一波检验电影制作方是否良心的高潮。昨日《银魂》真人版电影公开了第二弹演员阵容,像桥...

Shun oguri, hashimoto nai will play when the silver rings, god. SMW) in 2017, there will be some of the reality of gas superman comic book movie, including "the ghost in the shell", "death note", "alchemist of steel", "silver soul", a Hollywood production Japanese had taken for themselves and when the time comes will usher in a wave of inspection film producers is the climax of conscience. "Silver soul" live-action movie released yesterday second cast, like a bridge...