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语录:我们没抄袭DOTA 只是参照了技能和数值

Quotations: we don't have copied dota just refer to the skills and values

2015-05-25 02:02:35来源: 17173

好可怜的小火龙 “我们只是还原,但是没有抄袭,这完全是两个游戏,没有什么抄袭的内容,只是参照了人家的技能和数值去做。”[原文] ——近期,手游《刀塔传奇》陷入多起侵权纠纷,先后被暴雪及Valve告上法庭。针对“抄袭”一说,中清龙图COO王彦如是回应。 “经纪公司及SG不得策划表现...

good poor small dragon "we just to restore, but not copy, which is totally two games, not the content of what plagiarism, only the light of the people the skills and values to do." [original] - recently, the hand travel, turret legend, into a number of infringement disputes, has been Blizzard and Valve to court. For plagiarism, said, in the Qing lung figure COO Wang Yanru is a response. "Broker's Firm and SG shall not plan to show...

标签: DOTA