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获日本数千万订单 GOOVIS进军海外火力全开

Tens of millions of orders, Japan has GOOVIS overseas firing again

2017-12-25 22:25:55来源: DoNews

12月22日,日本著名的渠道代理商LET’S株式会社在东京举行了一场新商品媒体见面会,会社负责人后藤先生、Sony显示器件事业部本部负责人、中国市场负责人员及纳德光学CEO彭华军博士,以及包括日经新闻在内的多家媒体出席了本次见面会。会上宣布了LET’S株式会社与深圳纳德光学正式展开合作,其将代理纳德光学旗下品牌GOOVIS-VR视频眼镜在日本的线下渠道推广和销售。双方已签订价值数千万人民币的订单,该消息已得到纳德光学证实。自2014年Sony公司发布Project Morpheus开始,VR就成为中国市场的一块香饽饽,资本、人才、政策蜂拥而至。可令人失望的是,时至今日,业界翘首以盼的VR春天没...

On December 22, famous Japanese channels agents LET's co., a new commodity press conference was held in Tokyo, Mr Gotoh, head of the society division headquarters, head of the Chinese market, Sony display device is responsible for personnel and Dr Leonard optical CEO Peng Huajun, as well as the various media, including the nikkei attended the meeting. Announced at the meeting LET's nader optical co., LTD and shenzhen formal cooperation, its to agent's optical brands GOOVIS - VR video glasses offline promotion and sales channels in Japan. The two sides have signed orders worth tens of millions of yuan, the news has been confirmed by Leonard optics. Since 2014, Sony company Project Morpheus, VR becomes in the Chinese market a piece of land, capital, talent, and policy. But disappointingly, eagerly anticipated by his today, the industry of VR spring didn't...