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不惧“吃鸡”大战白热化竞争 MMO游戏稳居市场第一阵营

Not afraid "chicken" war heats up the no.1 market competitive MMO game

2017-12-13 11:55:49来源: DoNews

《绝地求生》引爆了国内游戏行业,大厂纷纷“吃鸡”,多款同类手游接连上线。然而,在“吃鸡”游戏之外,MMORPG游戏仍稳居市场第一阵营,根据行业数据,移动游戏中整体付费率最高的,依旧是RPG类。RPG类付费率最高2017年夏天一匹韩国黑马异军突起,打破游戏市场半年来MOBA独大的僵局,它便是至今仍极为火爆的FPS游戏《绝地求生》,俗称“吃鸡”。《绝地求生》的火热程度自然不必多说,它的成功也引得国内外厂商纷纷眼红。于是在短短几月之内,小米、网易、腾讯吃 鸡手游竞相上线,与此同时,腾讯手握正版《绝地求生》的国内端游手游代理权。一位玩家很难同时选择多款“吃鸡”手游,几家大厂不得不加大力度宣传自家产品,...

To survive the jedi detonated the domestic game industry, giant "chicken", many similar hand swim launched in succession. However, in the "chicken" game, mmorpgs still comfortably in the market the first camp, according to industry data, mobile game overall pay rate is the highest, is still RPG. RPG pay rate is highest in the summer of 2017, a south Korean black horse industry, break the logjam in game market for half a year to MOBA alone big, it is still very popular FPS game to survive the jedi, commonly known as "chicken". To survive the jedi hot degree natural need not say more, its success are also attracted domestic and foreign manufacturers are jealous. So in a short span of a few months, and millet, netease and tencent to eat chicken hand swim to online, at the same time, tencent the original survival the jedi in hand, the domestic side hand travel agency. One of the players it is difficult to choose much money at the same time the "chicken" hand swim, several companies have to intensify efforts to promote their products,...

标签: 游戏