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Twitter人心涣散 1年25名关键员工跳Uber

Twitter low morale in 25 key employees jumped 9 months Uber

2015-09-05 13:25:30来源: 亿邦动力网

北京时间9月5日消息,据路透社报道,过去一年,打车应用Uber、Lyft已经从Twitter挖走了数十名关键员工,协助公司开发个性化应用,这其中包括Twitter顶级工程经理。科技猎头公司招聘人员称,过去12个月,Twitter管理层出现变动,股价大跌44%,这为Uber、Lyft招募关键人才提供了帮助,因为Twitter员工希望在其他公司重现在Twitter取得的早期成功。根据对职业社交网站LinkedIn的查询发现,自2014年1月以来,至少25名Twitter前员工已跳槽至Uber,包括拉夫克里克恩(Raffi Krikorian)在内的顶级经理。自3月以来,克里克恩开始在Uber担任工...

Beijing time 5 news, Reuters reported, over the past year, taxi application Uber, LYFT already from twitter poached dozens of key employees, to assist the company in the development of personalized applications, the package including Twitter's top engineering manager. Technology recruiters said, in the past 12 months, Twitter management has changed, the stock fell 44%, which is Uber, Lyft recruiting key personnel to help, because Twitter employees want to reproduce in other companies in the early success of Twitter. According to the professional social networking site LinkedIn search found that since January 2014, at least 25 Twitter former employees have switched to Uber, including Layfolk Rick Don (Krikorian Raffi), including the top managers. Since March, Crick has been working on Uber...