新关注 > 信息聚合 > “联通杯”王者荣耀争霸赛落下帷幕 DR战队问鼎冠军

“联通杯”王者荣耀争霸赛落下帷幕 DR战队问鼎冠军

"Unicom cup" the glory of the king race ended the DR team won the championship

2017-05-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

5月17日,“联通杯王者荣耀挑战赛”决赛在成都春熙路正式打响。经过6个小时精彩激烈的比赛,最终DR战队力克DRL,问鼎挑战赛冠军。 此次比赛现场盛况空前,春熙路上熙熙攘攘,吸引来共计上万名观众,欣赏比赛。无论是王者荣耀的游戏玩家,还是闲逛散布的行人,都感受到了王者荣耀这款游戏的魅力。观众们随着比赛局势的发展,或欢呼,或叹息,尽情享受游戏的乐趣。选手们更是全身心投入比赛,发挥出自己全部实力,为取得好名次而努力拼搏。现场更有精彩的Cosplay表演,吸引了更多的关注。 此次比赛共有48支队伍报名参赛,经过层层选拔,优秀队伍脱颖而出。赛事冠军DR战队,在区域赛中就展示出了不俗的实力,是...

On May 17th, king glory challenge "unicom cup semifinal in chengdu spring city road in earnest. After 6 hours of intense match, finally the DR team beat the DRL, won the challenge champion. The competition scene pomp, spring city road hustle and bustle, attracted a total of tens of thousands of viewers, enjoy the game. Whether it is the king of glory game players, or hang out to spread the pedestrians, are feeling the charm of the game king glory. With the development of the competition situation, the audience or cheer, or sigh, enjoy the fun of the game. The players threw herself into the game more, show the full strength, their efforts to fight for get good rankings. Live more wonderful Cosplay performance, attracting more attention. A total of 48 teams compete, this match through layer upon layer selection, excellent team stand out. Competition DR team in this area will show the power of good, is...

标签: 王者荣耀