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西瓜视频入驻「宅男盛会」ChinaJoy,精彩纷呈 showgirl 迷人

Watermelon video into "otaku event" ChinaJoy, colorful showgirls and charming

2017-07-28 13:54:10来源: DoNews

7 月 27 日,一年一度的「宅男盛会」ChinaJoy 在上海新国际博览中心开幕了。本届正值ChinaJoy 十五周年,现场一片火爆热闹。在激动人心的各大游戏厂商新作品、好看好玩的游戏周边、眼花缭乱的 coser 之外,还有一个新面孔吸引了众多人的眼球,它就是首次亮相 CJ 的西瓜视频展台。在为期四天的 CJ 里,位于 E6 馆 27 号的西瓜视频展台每天都将免费供应冰淇淋,为挤在现场人山人海的朋友们消暑降温。据说这两天上海的地表温度超过了 60 度,在炎炎夏日请大家吃冰,西瓜视频真可谓是良心产品!除此之外,贴心的西瓜视频还带来了许多丰富多彩的内容,让大家享受一站式游戏视频的完整体验。比如在...

On July 27, the annual "otaku event" ChinaJoy in Shanghai new international expo center opened. This comes as the 15th anniversary of ChinaJoy, of the hot jollification. On the exciting each big game makers new works, good fun game around, dazzling coser, there is also a new face attracted people's attention, it is the first appearance of CJ watermelon video booth. In a four-day CJ, located in the E6 hall 27 watermelon video booth will supply free ice cream every day, to cool the crowded people mountain people sea friends disappear at the scene. It is said that the surface temperature in Shanghai two days more than 60 degrees, in sorching summer, please eat ice watermelon video is conscience products! In addition, sweet watermelon video also brought a lot of rich and colorful content, let everybody have the full experience of one-stop video game. Such as in...

标签: 视频 ChinaJoy