新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今日美术馆与ThinkPad联合发起艺术项目


Today art museum and ThinkPad wra art projects

2016-08-09 23:52:51来源: 新浪

发布会现场 (2016年7月29日,北京)“致力于成为时代的思考者与领航者” 这一精彩观点正在被今日美术馆和ThinkPad践行,双方今日共同宣布正式达成年度战略合作。通过ThinkPad全线产...

Conference (on July 29, 2016, Beijing) "is committed to become a thinker of The Times and the pilot" this wonderful idea being today art museum and ThinkPad practice, the two sides reached today jointly announced the formal annual strategic cooperation. Through the ThinkPad full production...