新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝莱斯特欲开1700万求购伯恩利后卫


Leicester wants to open 17 million to buy Burnley defender

2016-08-07 09:27:46来源: 华体网

据《镜报》报道,莱斯特城将报价1700万英镑求购伯恩利后卫迈克尔-基恩。 这名23岁球员拒绝了伯恩利开出的3万英镑周薪新合同,他很愿意加盟英超新科冠军。但伯恩利主帅拒绝了莱斯特城的询价,并坚持为这...

According to the mirror, Leicester city will offer 17 million pounds to buy Burnley defender Michael Kean. The 23-year-old has rejected Burnley's new 30,000 weekly contract and is willing to join the Premier League champions. But coach Burnley refused the inquiry in Leicester and insisted on it.