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梦幻西游手游剑会群雄怎么玩 跨服PK系统玩法详解

Fantasy westward journey mobile game sword will pack how to play Play, cross-server PK system

2016-01-06 18:02:23来源: 4399

玩过梦幻西游手游端游的小伙伴们对“服战”这个词自然都不陌生,不管是曾经辉煌的百花十连冠,还是目前备受关注的紫禁城强队。如今,在梦幻西游手游中终于也迎来了服战时代!剑会群雄让你迈向更高层次的PVP顶级高手对战!一起和4399挽歌来看看详细内容吧~ 1月6日,《梦幻西游手游》全新跨服PK玩...

Play fantasy westward journey with the friends of the mobile game end travel to "take" the word is not all strange nature, whether it had the brilliant flowers ten successive championships, or the high-profile teams in the Forbidden City. Now, in the fantasy westward journey in the mobile game finally also ushered in the clothing war era! Sword will pack let you towards a higher level of PVP top player against! And 4399 elegy together to have a look at the details ~ on January 6, the fantasy westward journey mobile game "new cross-server PK to play...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游