新关注 > 信息聚合 > 联邦杯最尴尬情况:卡西一个冠军不赢夺总冠军


The most embarrassing situation in the federal Cup: Cassie won a championship without winning the championship.

2016-09-22 06:52:39来源: 新浪

卡西目前排名联邦杯第五位 新浪体育讯 北京时间9月22日,在联邦快递杯历史上,吉姆-福瑞克(Jim Furyk)和保罗-卡西(Paul Casey)拥有同样特别的一点。仅有他们两次进入巡回锦标赛...

Casey is currently ranked fifth in the Federal Cup, Sina Sports News Beijing time September 22, in the history of the FedEx Cup, Jim Furyk and Paul Casey have the same special point. Only two of them entered the tournament.