新关注 > 信息聚合 > 速腾店内优惠高达3.9万 欢迎垂询

速腾店内优惠高达3.9万 欢迎垂询

Soar team good in-store 39000 please feel free to contact us

2016-03-24 02:13:03来源: 人民网

原标题:速腾店内优惠高达3.9万 欢迎垂询 近日,编辑从北京地区获悉,目前该店速腾车型有大量现车在售,购车可优惠3.9万元。对这款车感兴趣的朋友们不妨进一步关注一下。具体价格请详见下表: 车...

The original title: soar team good in-store 39000 please feel free to contact us Recently, the editors learn from Beijing area, currently the soar team models have a lot of car for sale now, cars can offer 39000 yuan. Interested in this car friends may wish to look further. The specific price please see the table below: car...