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QQ炫舞约会欧豪 电脑管家游戏加速让舞力全开

QQ dazzle dance dating Ou Hao computer game steward to accelerate to make dance open

2015-08-04 13:12:34来源: 多玩游戏


recently, the new generation idol Ou Hao become large 3D music and dance game "QQ dazzle dance" the first entertainment partners, Ou Hao will be devoted to "QQ dazzle dance" custom song and dance, which makes a lot of players is crazy. And in order to allow the majority of the players have a cool hot dance experience, and smoother and the European Hao interaction, "QQ dazzle dance" and Tencent computer housekeeper cooperation, for the majority of players sent to the game accelerate spree. In addition, as long as the line will have the opportunity to participate in...

标签: 游戏