新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李敏镐说天津话吃“狗不理包子” 闭口不提恋情

李敏镐说天津话吃“狗不理包子” 闭口不提恋情

Lee Min Ho said the word "Tianjin eat Goubuli steamed bun" - not to mention love

2015-03-27 03:22:22来源: 华龙网

李敏镐帅气亮相 吸引大批媒体到场 天津北方网讯:3月26日,韩国人气偶像李敏镐空降天津武清奥蓝际德国际酒店,上千粉丝早早守候在那里,就为了一睹偶像的真容。这是李敏镐公布与Miss A组合成员秀智...

Lee Min Ho handsome appearance to attract a large number of the media scene Tianjin North network news: March 26th, the South Korean idol Lee Min Ho airborne Tianjin Wuqing Aolan International de International Hotel, hundreds of fans waiting there early, in order to catch a glimpse of their idol. This is Lee Min Ho announced with Miss A combination members show wisdom...