新关注 > 信息聚合 > CCGS皇室战争风暴来袭 Winds勇夺第二周冠军

CCGS皇室战争风暴来袭 Winds勇夺第二周冠军

CCGS storm struck the royal war Winds won the second week of the champions

2017-09-12 00:00:00来源: 人民网

皇室战争2017CCGS中国区秋季赛第二周周赛战罢,败者组神话再现,低调王者华丽转身!Winds(所追寻的风)延续小组赛火热的手感,在决赛之夜连克后裔、水水、Au4270三员大将,以无可争议的发挥强势登顶皇室战争CCGS中国区第二周冠军宝座! Winds强势夺冠,写下了自己的励志故事,而且勤奋的他还将背靠背参加第三周周赛,冲击双冠王的荣耀。 Winds风夺冠之路 霸气翻盘力斩后裔 海选赛10胜1负,小组赛全胜晋级,一路摧枯拉朽的Winds,在周决赛一上来就遇到后裔的强力挑战。在矿工被BAN的情况下,后裔精准的抓住了Winds的心理,一手狗球奇袭拿到赛点。 一只脚已经踏入败者组的...

Second week of royal war 2017 CCGS China fall home-country crowd, loser set of myths, low-key king luxuriant turn! Winds (wind) quest group feel hot, even the final night, seed, water, three key Au4270 to undisputed exert strong govinda, China the second week of the royal war CCGS title! Strong Winds, wrote his inspirational story, and the diligent he will be back in the third week, the double impact of glory. Winds victory road Swagger they force descendants Audition 10-1, victories in the group stage, all the destructive Winds, in the final week descendants come up to meet a powerful challenge. Under the condition of the miners were BAN, descent accurate grasp the psychological Winds, single-handedly dog surprise up another ball. A foot has stepped into the loser group...