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小乔丹:儿时梦想终实现 金牌对两人尤为特别

Small Jordan: a childhood dream will realize the gold medal is particularly for two people

2016-08-21 09:23:41来源: 华体网

8月21日 在美国与西班牙的奥运男篮半决赛中,德安德烈-乔丹首发出场,得到9分16个篮板,帮助美国男篮击败西班牙男篮,闯进决赛。小乔丹的单场16个篮板追平了美国男篮奥运会个人单场篮板纪录,在赛后...

On August 21, in the United States and Spain's Olympic men's basketball team in the semifinals of DE Andre - Jordan starting line-up, 9 points and 16 rebounds, help the U.S. men's basketball team beat the Spanish men's basketball team, in the final. Small Jordan single-game 16 rebounds single-game rebounds tied the United States men's basketball Olympic record, after the game...