新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美国再下平衡车禁令 但这次不是因为起火

美国再下平衡车禁令 但这次不是因为起火

The United States ban balance under the car again But this is not because of a fire

2016-03-18 10:11:54来源: 亿邦动力网


According to foreign media reports, twisting, car balance (car) will be banned again, but this time because of the fire safety problems, such as, over the past year, the nine states at least 10 twisting, car fire incidents happened, amazon also has carried on the shelves to the problem products processing. The us international trade commission announced on Wednesday issued a ban, banned the import of infringing the Segway (Segway) automatic balancing technology patent "some personal vehicles". This means that any use of technical patents Segway scooter or similar smart balance device can enter the American market. Segway is famous for its iconic two-wheel balancing car, has analyzed issues orders simple statement: "the general rule out to is a major decision, because it prevents the import of any infringement of patent products." CNET, said most of the infringing products companies from China and other countries and regions. Before the ban came along in the big...