新关注 > 信息聚合 > 3.24电商晚报:阿里无新计划入股神州专车


3.24 electricity evening news: ali, no new plans to take a stake in China car

2016-03-24 17:55:37来源: 亿邦动力网

万达找对电商切点?195全球购主打线下店目前,加盟195平台的商户以经销商和贸易商为主。据了解,法国37连锁商业、法国古古之星、五洲汇等八家核心商户与195全球购签订了战略合作协议。首批195商城将于3月26日,在五个城市(广东江门、无锡惠山、芜湖、武汉菱角湖、武汉经开、重庆南坪)的六家万达广场中开业。京东甩出打假新鞭 你以为罚100万就够?为配合《新广告法》的实施,京东集团将对涉及虚假、违规宣传的第三方商家加大管控。京东设置了双重处罚措施,重点在于:1. 对一年内发生两起及以上行政处罚的合作伙伴将被列入黑名单;2.将国家行政机关立案处罚的信息公布在违规店铺的明显位置,同时对违规商家进行商品搜...

Wanda find tangent point of the electricity suppliers? 195 global purchase main offline store, joining the 195 platform of merchants is given priority to with dealers and traders. It is reported that France 37 chain business, the ancient ancient star, wuzhou collect eight core businesses and 195 global purchasing signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The first mall will be on March 26, 195 in five cities (guangdong jiangmen, no XiHui mountain, wuhu, wuhan water chestnut lake, wuhan, chongqing nanping) six opened in wanda plaza. New anti-counterfeit whip the jingdong Do you think 1 million is enough? To tie in with the implementation of the new advertising law, jingdong group will for third parties involved in the false, illegal publicity merchants more controls. Jingdong set up double punishment, the key lies in: 1. For one year, two or more partners will be blacklisted by administrative punishment; 2. The state administrative organs penalties against information released in the obvious position of the illegal shops, commodity search for the business owners...

标签: 电商