新关注 > 信息聚合 > 柳州市区小学初中学区划定 看看你家孩子在哪上学

柳州市区小学初中学区划定 看看你家孩子在哪上学

Liuzhou city primary school junior high school district designated to see where your children go to school

2016-06-18 11:50:55来源: 人民网广西视窗

柳州市区小学初中学区划定 看看你家孩子可以在哪所学校上学 (记者毛秋雁)新生报名即将开始,柳州市小学、初中学区新生报名时间,统一定于7月10日、11日;非学区新生报名时间,统一定于7月17日、...

Liuzhou city primary school junior high school district designated to see which school children can go to your house (reporter Mao Qiuyan) new application is about to begin, liuzhou elementary school, junior high school freshman time signing up, unity is scheduled for July 10, 11; The school district new time signing up, unity is scheduled for July 17,...