新关注 > 信息聚合 > 声网Agora.io实时云定义手游语音,加速游戏直播


Agora.io real time voice network cloud definition of hand travel voice, accelerate the game live

2016-07-28 19:17:59来源: 大河网

【环球网科技报道 记者陈健】 过去十数年间端游网游占据了我们文化产业链的绝对地位,端游的发展固然令人期待。然而近年来兴起的移动手游奋起直追,超越占比15.6%的页游,达到36.6%的市场占有率,实际收入达到了514.6亿元。走路时拿着手机摆弄的“低头族”也逐渐遍布城市的街头巷尾,智能机风...

[global network technology Herald reporter Chen Jian] in the past decade end travel net swims held the absolute position of our culture industry chain, development to the end of the tour, although it is expected. However in recent years, the rise of the mobile tour started to catch up and beyond accounted for 15.6% of the page tour, reaching 36.6% of the market share, the actual income reached the 514.6 billion yuan. When walking with a mobile phone with the "bow" gradually over the city streets and lanes, smart fan...

标签: 手游 游戏 直播