新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中粮转型改革之痛谁买单?遭百余名经销商维权


Cofco transformation who pay for the pain? By the hundreds of dealers' rights

2016-09-17 13:59:31来源: 搜狐

一波未平一波又起。继员工为维护自己的权益将中国食品(00506.HK)起诉至法庭后,金帝产品经销商又出来维权。 9月12日,部分金帝产品经销商到中粮福临门大厦维权,要求中粮食品接受退货返还垫付的经销...

A wave of something new. The employees to maintain their own rights and interests will be Chinese food (00506 HK) sued to the court, goldie product distributors and rights. On September 12, part of the gold emperor products dealers to cofco fook lam moon building rights, require payment of grain food accept merchandise for return distribution...