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有人让Apple Watch玩上了《口袋妖怪黄》

Someone let the Apple on the Watch to play the pokemon yellow

2017-03-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

据外媒报道,除非所有的《口袋妖怪》游戏能够在每一款电子设备都运行上,不然的话社区玩家对于打造模拟器这件事情是不会停歇的。当地时间周五,iOS软件开发者Gabriel O’Flaherty-Chan就公布了一款为Apple Watch打造的Game Boy Color模拟器。 获悉,他让苹果的可穿戴设备跑上了《口袋妖怪黄(Pokemon Yellow)》。 不过在开发过程中,O’Flaherty-Chan没少吃苦头。据其披露,他必须要控制好帧率和性能之间的平衡,因为他希望在让玩家看到清楚游戏画面的同时还不能牺牲了游戏的可玩性。 当然这只是一个有趣的概念证明,不过玩家可能会好奇怎样...

According to foreign media reports, unless all the pokemon game can on every type of electronic equipment operation, otherwise the community players to build simulator this thing is don't quit. Local time Friday, iOS software developers Gabriel O 'Flaherty - Chan announced a for Apple Watch Game Boy Color of simulator. Learned that he let apple wearable devices run the Pokemon Yellow (Pokemon Yellow) ". But in the process of development, Flaherty O '- Chan did not suffer less. According to its disclosure, he must be good control frame rate and the balance between performance, because he wants to let players see clear the graphics also cannot be sacrificed the playability of the game. Of course this is just an interesting proof of concept, but the player may wonder how...

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