新关注 > 信息聚合 > 正能量动画《超迷你战士》9月27日于腾讯视频开播!


Positive energy animation "super mini warriors" on September 27 in tencent launched video!

2017-09-25 00:00:00来源: 人民网

国产少儿动画系列《超迷你战士》第一季将于9月27日正式登陆腾讯视频、小企鹅乐园及企鹅TV,每周三双更。这部动画片由企鹅影视出品,左袋担纲创制,内容讲述了烦恼星人入侵地球之际,超迷你战士与其PK的故事。 你有烦恼吗? 读书记不住?早上睡过头!恭喜你,你被烦恼星人入侵啦!烦恼星人来自宇宙最深最黑暗的地方,他们价值观扭曲,长相奇怪,体型小到你几乎看不见,因此能隐形般出没在人们的日常生活里,制造了一个又一个烦恼,破坏人们本该幸福的生活。 最恐怖的是,人类一旦被烦恼星人缠上,就很容易被同化为烦恼星人,成为黑暗势力的一员。听说最近地球上的人们都染上了各式各样的烦恼,若是真是这样的话,那人类岂不...

Domestic children's animation series "the super mini warriors" in the first quarter will be officially on tencent on September 27, TV, video, the penguin paradise and penguins three pairs more. The film produced by penguin, film and television, left the bag as the creation of content about the troubles of invasion of the earth, super mini warriors with PK's story. Do you have any trouble? Secretary of the reading? Oversleep in the morning! Congratulations, you have been trouble star invasion! Trouble star people come from the deepest, the universe is dark places, their values distorted, looks strange, small almost invisible to you, so can contact with infested in People's Daily life, made another trouble, destroy people should have a happy life. Is the most horrible, human once trouble star people will attend, it is easy to assimilate to trouble people, become a member of the forces of the dark. Heard that recently people on earth have developed all sorts of trouble, if so, that is not human...

标签: 腾讯 视频