新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘喜廷:一生圆一个戏剧梦(图)


Liu Xiting: life circle a drama dream (FIG.)

2016-06-07 08:29:04来源: 中工网

排练现场的刘喜廷(资料片)。 在沈阳浑南一幢普通的居民楼里,记者见到一个精瘦的老人,他就是为戏剧辛勤耕耘了70年的名导演刘喜廷。刘喜廷家里的一堵墙被打成了隔断来摆放他的荣誉奖杯,书房里有三个抽屉...

The scene of the rehearsal Liu Xiting (expansion). In a tall building in shenyang muddy south ordinary residential buildings, the reporters saw a lean man, he is playing for the drama industriously director Liu Xiting in 70. Liu Xiting home a wall will be the partition to put his trophy, in the study had three drawers...