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亚马逊中国再造专题购物平台 上线睡眠馆

Amazon China reengineering thematic shopping on-line platform

2015-03-17 08:57:08来源: 亿邦动力

【亿邦动力网讯】3月17日消息,亚马逊中国推出线上首家以睡眠为主题的健康平台——睡眠馆,成为继空净馆、净水馆后又一个一站式购物专题平台。 据悉,亚马逊睡眠馆拥有2000余种产品,除了涵盖传统的枕头、床垫、家纺等品类,还提供了智能监测手环、帮助改善睡眠的保健品、智能灯泡、除螨仪等助眠产品...

sleep Museum [] US state power network March 17th news, health platform launched Amazon China line first in order to sleep as the theme of the museum -- sleep, become the empty net, net water museum museum again after a one-stop shopping special platform. It is reported, Amazon sleep Museum has more than 2000 kinds of products, in addition to the traditional pillow, mattress covers, textile etc. categories, also provides intelligent monitoring bracelet, help health care products, improve sleep, intelligent lighting instrument sleep products in addition to mites...