新关注 > 信息聚合 > 明年京东农村电商物流将尝试无人机送货


Next year, Jingdong rural electricity supplier logistics will try UAV delivery

2015-12-10 17:44:58来源: 亿邦动力网


December 10th, came to participate in the electricity supplier conference in Guangdong Jingdong group CEO Liu Qiangdong in an interview with the first financial reporter interview revealed that next year, Jingdong will test the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in rural markets to reduce logistics costs. He also said that the extensive mode of development has been the end of the electricity supplier, but there is still a broad prospect of quality, brand electricity supplier. Crack rural electricity supplier logistics bottleneck recently, Jingdong signed a strategic cooperation agreement with a number of provinces. Liu Qiangdong said, the Jingdong with each province cooperation of different demands, for example, focus on cooperation with Guangdong is to help the "made in Guangdong" has become the China brand, even global brand; and cooperation with Shaanxi, is the focus of rural electricity providers, and help rural farmers out of poverty. In Guangdong Province, the Jingdong in addition to promote Guangdong's manufacturing into Chinese brand, will also support agricultural products in North guangdong. Liu Qiangdong said that in the past farmers are very hard, the procurement price of agricultural products is often very low pressure, in the future hope that high-quality agricultural products can be raised two or three times the price...

标签: 电商 京东