新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《赛博朋克2077》开发商:本世代硬件可能会限制环境破坏效果


"Cyberpunk" 2077 "developers: this generation hardware may limit environmental damage effect

2018-08-31 10:59:56来源: 游戏时光

在前两天放出《赛博朋克2077》的首个实机演示后,CD Projekt Red 随即公布了演示用电脑的配置。而近日,关于硬件,CDPR 再次发言。他们称,鉴于本世代主机的硬件限制,游戏中的一些设定可能会被抛弃,以便让别的更重要的设定取得更好的呈现效果。比如,就如游戏关卡设计师 Miles Tost 表示的一样,CDPR 目前为止尚不确认游戏中的环境是否能被完全破坏:每个平台的机能都是有限的。作为一个开发者,我必须得在所有设定中进行权衡,比如我是否需要更多的 NPC?我是否需要城市细节更充实?或者是,我是否需要让环境的破坏效果呈现得更好?我是要更好地光影效果,还是更聪明的 AI?但是要知道,这么...

In two days before the "cyberpunk" 2077 "after the first real machine demonstration, CD Projekt Red immediately released demo configuration with a computer. And recently, about hardware, CDPR spoke again. In view of this generation, they say, the host hardware limitations, some of the game's setting may be abandoned, so that the other is more important to set a better rendering effect. For example, as the game level designers Miles Tost said, CDPR environment is not yet confirmed the game so far can be destroyed: each platform's function is limited. As a developer, I have to weigh in all Settings, such as if I need more NPC? Do I need city fuller details? Or, should I let the destruction of the environment effect of present better? I want a better light and shadow, or smarter AI? But you know, so...