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梅西缺阵中卫建功 阿根廷2-2险平委内瑞拉

Lionel messi out for central defender scored Argentina's 2-2 risks flat to venezuela

2016-09-07 16:55:57来源: 环球网

北京时间9月7日8时,2018年世界杯南美区预选赛第8轮一场焦点战,阿根廷客场挑战委内瑞拉。上半场委内瑞拉的胡安皮世界波抽射破僵,阿根廷0-1落后;下半场易边再战,隆东助攻队友扩大领先优势,阿根廷中锋普拉托扳回一球,中后卫奥塔门迪混战扳平,阿根廷2-2战平委内瑞拉。 国际A级赛事历史...

Beijing time on September 7, 8, 2018 World Cup South American qualifying round 8 a focus battle, Argentina, venezuela. Venezuela in the first half of the Juan leather world wave volley break, Argentina 1-0 down. Easy edge fight again in the second half, long east assists teammates expand the lead, pulled a goal back center in prato, Argentina centre-back the pylons di melee equaliser, Argentina's 2-2 draw with venezuela. The international class A tournament history...