新关注 > 信息聚合 > 春节档电影首日票房近8亿元 刷新单日票房纪录

春节档电影首日票房近8亿元 刷新单日票房纪录

On the first day lunar New Year movie box office nearly 800 million yuan To set a single-day record

2017-01-30 18:20:49来源: 中国广播网

央广网北京1月30日消息(记者杜希萌)据中国之声《央广新闻》报道,电影票房在春节档再度爆发。数据显示,2017年1月28日正月初一,票房报收7.86亿元人民币,刷新单日票房纪录。 数据显示,大年初一到初二,今年“春节档”全国电影票房已经超过13亿元。其中,大年初一全国票房8.02亿元...

Epicenter wide net Beijing on January 30, the news (reporter Du Ximeng) according to the voice of China "epicenter wide news" report, the movie box office file again broke out during the Spring Festival. , according to data on January 28, 2017, the first day, the first lunar month closed at 786 million yuan, the box office set a single-day record. This year, according to data on the second day, "Spring Festival" national movie box office has more than 1.3 billion yuan. Among them, on the first day box office 802 million yuan...

标签: 电影