新关注 > 信息聚合 > 内马尔回应肘击风波:继续前进,我没事!


Omar in response to the elbow incident: keep moving, I'm okay!

2016-10-09 01:46:59来源: 华体网

体育10月8日讯 在昨天结束的一场南美区世预赛中,巴西主场5-0大胜玻利维亚。在比赛进行到第分钟时,内马尔遭到了玻利维亚前锋杜克的肘击,并血染赛场。赛后,玻利维亚前锋在接受采访时表示自己并不是故意的...

Sports on October 8 - at the end of yesterday in a South American zone World Cup qualifier, Brazil home 5-0 win in Bolivia. Within minutes into the games, omar elbow by Bolivia striker duke, and bleeds. After the game, Bolivia forward in an interview said he didn't mean to...