新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谢容儿代言《新蜀门》将献声主题曲


Xie Rong'Er endorsement "house" will be the theme song of the new voice

2015-02-27 16:36:58来源: 新浪

新蜀门 CGWR 得分 CGWR:223 位 CGWR介绍 伴随着春节和即将到来元宵节的喜庆,《新蜀门》好事多多,多喜临门!近日,官方公告《新蜀门》将于2月27日开启新版本首组新服,同时,正式公布了《新蜀门》的代言人。90后人气女歌手谢容儿携《新蜀门》版主题曲,出现在广大网友面前...

new CGWR score CGWR:223 bit CGWR is introduced with the upcoming Spring Festival and Lantern Festival festival, "new house" a good many, many xilinmen! Recently, the official announcement "new house" will be a new version of the first group of new clothing at the same time, in February 27th, formally announced the "new citizen" spokesman. 90 after the popular singer Xie Rong'Er with "you" the new version of the theme song, appeared in front of the vast number of netizens...