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印度出台新政 苹果在印开零售店障碍消除

India for policy Apple in Indian retail barriers to eliminate

2016-06-21 09:48:24来源: TechWeb

苹果 凤凰科技讯 北京时间6月20日消息,据外媒报道,在印度政府放宽了本地采购规定后,苹果距离在印度开设首家零售店又近了一步。 印度周一宣布,为了提高外国直接投资、扩大跨国公司在印运营空间,印度...

Apple phoenix technologies Beijing time on June 20, according to foreign media reports, the Indian government eased after the local procurement rules, apple distance are a step closer to open its first retail store in India. India announced on Monday, in order to improve the foreign direct investment, expand the multinational companies operating space in India India...

标签: 苹果