新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游手游全民PK赛阵容推荐 绝对暴力十足

梦幻西游手游全民PK赛阵容推荐 绝对暴力十足

Fantasy Westward Journey tour national PK tournament lineup absolute violence recommend full

2015-09-26 00:40:58来源: 科技讯

【科技讯】9月25日消息,近期,梦幻西游手游推出了全民PK赛,其中涌现出了很多不错的阵容,小编在这里也给大家推荐几个暴力阵容,大家也一起分享一下。 【三输出该如何选定】 如果不是在全民PK赛中,我们说到组3个输出的队伍,相信大多人会把2个输出位置给了龙宫这门派。 而在全民PK...

[science and Technology News September 25 news. Recently, Fantasy Westward Journey tour launched a nationwide PK tournament, including the emergence of the many good squad, Xiao Bian here also give you recommend several violent lineup, we can share together. [output the how selected] if not in the national tournament PK, we say the group three outputs of the team, I believe most people would take 2 output location to the Dragon King's Palace this martial art. And in the universal PK...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游