新关注 > 信息聚合 > 虎牙天命杯八倍镜美女小熊 跨界主持C位出道

虎牙天命杯八倍镜美女小熊 跨界主持C位出道

Canine teeth destiny cup eight times mirror beauty bear crossover host C a debut

2018-10-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

虎牙绝地求生天命杯迎来了线下赛阶段,除了各大职业战队的精彩表现,主持席上的美女也是此次赛事的亮点之一。去年的八倍镜美女解说小熊这次以主持人的身份亮相,网友纷纷表示小熊C位出道了?主持功底简直比专业的还要专业。 一直拥有“虎牙吃鸡一姐”美誉的小熊,就是因虎牙天命杯一炮而红,当年的甜美的长相和黑丝长腿的反差,吸引了摄影师八倍镜对她的狂拍,同时吸引了一大圈粉丝的关注,直播间持续沸腾,给赛事带来了很高的热度。很多观众都以为小熊今年还是会解说天命杯,但没想到盼到了线下赛才见到她的踪影。终于在线下赛再次看到小熊,小熊比去年还要漂亮几分,倍感亲切,疯狂为其打call。 原来在主持天命杯主持之前...

Canine teeth desperately destiny cup ushered in the offline phase, in addition to the excellent performance of the professional team, hosted table of beauty is also one of the highlights of the event. Last eight times mirror beauty explanation bear the appearance as a host, netizens have said little bear C a career? Host language is more professional than professional. Has always had the reputation of "canine teeth to eat chicken one elder sister" teddy bear, is because of canine teeth destiny cup was an instant hit, all the sweet and the contrast of black silk long legs, attracts photographer eight times mirror of her photos, drew a big circle at the same time the attention of fans, spans continuous boiling, brought competition high heat. Many in the audience thought the bear will explain destiny cup this year, but we wish to go to the offline game just to see her. Finally in the offline again see teddy bear, teddy bear severals than last year, is nice, crazy playing call for it. The original before presided destiny cup...

标签: 虎牙