新关注 > 信息聚合 > 番茄苗又来童博会啦 拔胡子体感游戏让你乐不停

番茄苗又来童博会啦 拔胡子体感游戏让你乐不停

Tomato seedlings and Po will pull the beard body feeling game let you not stop seedlings exhibit

2015-06-20 20:07:36来源: 大众网

番茄苗展区布置得特别漂亮 孩子们在玩把胡子游拔 可爱的番茄君跟大家打个招呼吧 展区墙上挂满了漂亮的画 大众网日照6月20日讯(记者 崔维成)20日上午,为期三天的“德瑞·太阳公元”2015日照市第四届儿童产业博览会在会展中心隆重开幕。拔胡子、体感游戏、漂亮的墙画,番茄苗美术中心精...

tomato decorated very beautiful children playing the Hu Ziyou pull cute tomato Jun with everyone playing Hello exhibition walls are covered with beautiful paintings Dazhong sunshine June 20 news (reporter Cui Wei) 20 morning, for a period of three days of "dre - Sun ad 2015 in Rizhao City, the fourth session of the children Industry Fair in the Convention and Exhibition Center grand opening. Pull the beard, somatosensory games, beautiful painting, fine art center of tomato seedlings...

标签: 游戏