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盘点恐龙灭绝十大理论 最奇葩因为放屁而死

Inventory of the extinction of the dinosaurs ten theory of the most wonderful fart die because

2015-04-19 10:22:53来源: 科技讯

6600万年前,恐龙从地球上消失。那么,问题来了,这个曾经长久统治地球的霸主是如何消失的呢?究竟是什么样的因素导致了它们的灭亡呢?目前,大多数科学家赞成火山活动、气候变化和一颗巨大小行星撞击地球等因素的结合毁灭鸟类以外的陆生恐龙的理论。 6600万年前,恐龙从地球上消失。那么,问题来...

6600 million years ago, dinosaurs disappeared from the earth. Then, to the question, this had long ruled the earth one is how to disappear? What is what factors lead to their demise? At present, most scientists agree with the volcano activity, climate change and a giant asteroid impact factors such as the destruction of birds than terrestrial dinosaur theory. 66000000 years ago, dinosaurs disappeared from the earth. So, the problem...