新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西伯利亚游戏耳机携手京东助阵LOL挑战赛


The Siberia games Headset Jingdong LOL challenge to help

2015-10-27 17:14:47来源: 游久网

战火连天,烽烟再起。京东LOL挑战赛重磅来袭!为京东整机采销部的小伙伴们带来激情盛宴!本次活动,西伯利亚前来助阵。作为国内专业的游戏竞技和网吧游戏外设品牌,西伯利亚一直以来对电竞赛事格外关注,倾力打造“极客”的品牌文化。 本次西伯利亚携手京东倾力打造京东LOL挑战赛,不仅展现英雄联盟...

war, phone again. Jingdong lol challenge pound struck! For the Jingdong machine mining Sales Department of small partners bring passion for the feast! This event, Siberia to come back. As a domestic professional sports games and Internet gaming peripherals brand, Siberia has been on eSports event special attention, tries their best to build a "geek" brand culture. The Siberia to join the effort to build a Jingdong Jingdong LOL challenge, not only to show the hero alliance...

标签: LOL 游戏 京东