新关注 > 信息聚合 > 综合战力之王 《反恐精英Online2》M60E4重磅出击

综合战力之王 《反恐精英Online2》M60E4重磅出击

The comprehensive combat capability of the king "Counter Strike Online2" M60E4 heavy attack

2015-04-17 10:56:03来源: 多玩游戏

4月15日,《反恐精英Online2》迎来了一把新机枪M60E4,被人称为“多面手”的M60E4,究竟它在各个领域的表现如何?一起来看看吧! 一:概述 M60E4解锁条件:3W P币购买解锁或者使用M249击杀300个人进行解锁; 武器游戏内购买价格:6250美金; 弹夹...

4 month 15 days, "Counter Strike Online2" ushered in a new machine M60E4, known as "Jack of all trades" M60E4, whether its performance in all areas? Come and have a look! A: an overview M60E4 unlock unlock condition: 3W P coins to buy or use the M249 kill 300 people to unlock; weapons in-game purchase price: $6250; clip...