新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2017年1月1日起 同行异地存取现/转账免费

2017年1月1日起 同行异地存取现/转账免费

On January 1, 2017 long-distance access/transfer free now

2016-12-31 23:44:48来源: 中关村在线

12月份的尾巴,明天起,我们将迎来新的一年。新年第一天就有一个重磅好消息——2017年1月1日起同行异地存取现与转账全免费。 根据今年9月底央行发布的《中国人民银行关于加强支付结算管理防范电信网络新型违法犯罪有关事项的通知》中要求,银行对本银行行内异地存取现、转账等业务,收取异地手续费...

December's tail, tomorrow, we will usher in a New Year. New Year's day there is a big good news - on January 1, 2017 long-distance access and transfer all free now. According to the end of September this year the central bank released the payments and settlement management to prevent the people's bank of China on strengthening telecom network new illegal and criminal matters related to notice requirements, in the bank to our bank line long distance access now, transfer and other business, long distance fee...