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阿里商旅发布2.0新版本 实现机票、酒店统一月结支付

Ali business released a new version 2.0 monthly pay air ticket, hotel uniform

2017-03-01 19:11:23来源: DoNews

DoNews 3月1日消息(记者 向密) 在阿里巴巴DING峰会上,阿里商旅发布2.0新版本。同时,阿里巴巴宣布,为阿里商旅、钉钉、天猫企业购等企业级应用注资10亿元,打造一个“企业双十一”。阿里商旅于2016年10月11日推出,借助阿里钉钉这一聚集240万家企业组织用户的平台,阿里商旅上线几天注册企业数便达到近10万家。当时阿里商旅宣称,要给中国4300万中小企业带去“有温度的差旅”,为差旅行业带来一场革命,其中直击的痛点是让出差能“免垫资、免发票、免报销”。据介绍,经过几个月开发,阿里商旅2.0已经实现了机票、酒店的统一支付。通过阿里商旅平台,航空公司、酒店将与企业直接结算,每月统一支付。...

On March 1, DoNews news (reporter to close) in alibaba DING summit, ali business released a new version 2.0. At the same time, alibaba announced for business travel, nailing, ali Tmall enterprise purchase enterprise applications such as capital injection of 1 billion yuan, to create a "double tenth one" enterprise. Ali business was launched on October 11, 2016, with the aid of ali nailing the gathered 240 enterprise organization the user's platform, ali business online for a few days to almost 10 m registered companies. Ali business travel claim at that time, 43 million small and medium-sized enterprises in China to "travel with temperature", for the travel industry brings a revolution, which seem to have pain points is to travel to "no mat endowment, no invoice, no reimbursement". According to introducing, after months of development, ali business has achieved the unification of the ticket, hotel, pay 2.0. By ali business platform, airlines, hotels and enterprises direct settlement, unified payment per month. ...