新关注 > 信息聚合 > 37游戏精彩2014 双核驱动造就行业神话

37游戏精彩2014 双核驱动造就行业神话

The 37 game exciting 2014 duo drive train industry myth

2015-01-08 18:47:34来源: 新浪


recently, a symbol of China game industry the highest honor in 2014 Jin Ling award is announced at the Xiamen International Conference center. Once at the end of the year dominated the awards ceremony is the most popular game of the 37 game of the year awards Webpage Webpage Game for "big Angel Sword" deliver the goods, again won the "game player favorite Webpage game" title. Strong IP Webpage game by Aurora network building, with its sweeping storm speed continue to refresh the historical record Webpage Game award. ...

标签: 游戏