新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京春晚创新高,蝉联卫视三连冠(组图)


Beijing gala innovation is high, topped TV three-peat (map)

2016-02-10 08:07:29来源: 搜狐

跨界合作相声的李菁和吴镇宇服装非常抢眼。 三大男高音将意大利歌剧融入本土化成为亮点。 前日,2016年北京电视台春节联欢晚会在北京卫视和北京电视台文艺频道、青年频道同步播出。今年大年初一有包括...

Cross-border cooperation crosstalk ching lee and cheng yixun clothing very grab an eye. Three tenors blend in Italian opera localization become a bright spot. Yesterday, Beijing 2016 Spring Festival gala of CCTV in Beijing TV and Beijing TV channel of literature and art, youth channel broadcast simultaneously. Included in this year on the first day...