新关注 > 信息聚合 > 孙录:电工电气行业与“互联网+”发生化学反应


Sun Lu: electrician electrical industry and the "Internet +" chemical reaction

2015-04-14 17:03:05来源: 中国经济网

图为远东买卖宝网络科技有限公司总经理孙录在“2015中国电线电缆行业高峰论坛?河南站”演讲。 中国经济网4月14日综合讯 当下,“互联网+”思维引起了全民热议,很多人认为互联网+说白了就是互联网+传统产业。事实果真如此吗?正如面对诺基亚、摩托罗拉的相继离开市场后海尔总裁张瑞敏所说,没...

map as the general manager of the Far East Trading treasure network technology Co., Ltd. Sun Lu in "2015 China wire and cable industry summit forum of Henan station address?". China Economic Net April 14th comprehensive news today, "the Internet thinking +" has aroused universal hot, a lot of people think that the Internet + Internet + traditional industries it is. Was this really the case? As the face of Nokia, Motorola have left the market after Haier CEO Zhang Ruimin said, no...